The Greenhouse Paradise Clubhouse, a members only club, provides an opportunity for relaxation and enjoyment in a farm like environment, complete with a luxurious pool and fashionable ambiance.
Read MoreDiscover the modern way of living in the countryside while enjoying a farm living
Read MoreGreenhouse Paradise Country Farms adopted a modern construction methodology that takes into account the climate and topography. This architectural approach gives the traditional "bahay kubo" a modern touch, incorporating the use of new and innovative materials and styles while preserving its character and appearance. The development includes:
Club House
Farm House
Explore MoreIn agriculture, sustainability is a complex idea with many facets including the economy. A sustainable farm should be a profitable business that contributes to a robust economy. It should deal fairly with its workers and have a mutually beneficial relationship with the surrounding community and the environment.
Profitable Business
Robust Economy
Mutually Beneficial
Deal Fairly
This is the contribution of the Filipino Land Development Corporation to support Filipino farmers and to battle the food security problem that our country will be facing in the near future.